在南达科他州,有一座还在雕凿的比四总统巨像还要高大十倍的石像——印第安疯马酋长石像(Crazy Horse Memorial),我们叫它疯马巨石或疯马雕像。石像高170米,长210米,将剥落整整一座花岗岩大山。疯马酋长身骑战马,右手指向前方,战马腾空跃起,气势所向披靡。疯马石和总统山是近邻,也就15 miles的距离,都落座在葱郁的Black Hills National Forest山间里。两个巨型雕像相距那么近,是有它的缘故的。居住于附近的印第安人拉科塔(Lakota)部落认为Black Hills是他们的圣山。在1876至1877年的Black Hills War后,美国政府从拉科塔部落手中夺取了这块地区,此后被赶出这片地区的拉科塔人与美国政府间的矛盾一直没有消除。而拉什莫尔山的总统雕像也成为拉科塔人的“眼中钉”。
疯马石雕像,它是为纪念印第安的一名叫疯马的年轻酋长而雕刻。疯马酋长因反对白人侵占原属于印第安人的黑山地区而奋起抗争,最后年仅33岁就被白人暗杀。他一生刚勇,是印第安人心目中的传奇英雄。当总统巨石在黑山地区塑成之后,引起了当地印第安人的不满,他们要雕一座世界上最大最高的雕像与之抗衡,1948年,拉科塔人开始着手建造疯马的纪念雕像(Crazy Horse Memorial),疯马巨石由此誔生。可见,Crazy Horse指的并不是一匹马,而是一个历史人物的名字。如果说,总统雕像是美国人的英雄,是美国精神的代表,那么疯马石则是印第安人的英雄,印第安精神的代表。
http://travel.superlife.ca/attractions/疯马巨石/ 全景摄影 刘运增
The United States is one of the most diverse countries on earth, jam packed full of amazing sights from St. Patrick's cathedral in New York to Mount Hollywood California.The Northeast region is where it all started. Thirteen British colonies fought the American Revolution from here and won their independence in the first successful colonial rebellion in history. Take a look at these rolling hills carpeted with foliage along the Hudson river here, north of New York City.The American south is known for its polite people and slow pace of life. Probably they move slowly because it's so hot. Southerners tend not to trust people from "up north" because they talk too fast. Here's a cemetery in Georgia where you can find graves of soldiers from the Civil War.The West Coast is sort of like another country that exists to make the east coast jealous. California is full of nothing but grizzly old miners digging for gold, a few gangster rappers, and then actors. That is to say, the West Coast functions as the imagination of the US, like a weird little brother who teases everybody then gets famous for making freaky art.The central part of the country is flat farmland all the way over to the Rocky Mountains. Up in the northwest corner you can find creative people in places like Portland and Seattle, along with awesome snowboarding and good beer. Text by Steve Smith.