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Carenage Waterfall Vertigo New Caledonia

By the number of images taken here you can guess that these waterfalls are one of our favourite trekking destinations. It is also a good photographic laboratory for sphere images because there is something of interest everywhere you look. 

I took this image with a tiny little GoPro Hero2 Camera (cost $199) to see how it would compare with the one I took from almost exactly the same spot with my Canon 7D and Sigma lens (more than ten times the cost of the GoPro). I was surprised to find the resolution was actually better with the GoPro Hero2 - although there was more sensor noise in the image. The Canon 7D handled high contrast areas better - but then the Canon had a nice sunny - the GoPro had to contend with a dark cloudy day. 

The Canon 7D, Nodal Ninja and tripod is a hefty mass to carry on a trek and up and down a very steep trail while the GoPro weighs just about nothing and works fine at the end of a carbon telescopic pole that doubles as a walking stick. Plus it was a rainy day and the GoPro comes in a little waterproof housing. 

But what I was really wanted to try was to take the shot suspended out over the waterfall pool - something I really could not do with the Canon 7D. The results are pretty good - especially on a rainy day, and you get a nice sense of vertigo looking straight down into the pool from the cliff face.


Copyright: Richard Chesher
Type: Spherical
Resolution: 13182x6591
Taken: 01/02/2012
上传: 03/02/2012
Published: 03/02/2012


Tags: new caledonia; river; waterfall; gopro; trek
More About 新喀里多尼亚

新喀里多尼亚是离澳大利亚和新西兰最近的南太平洋岛屿。该岛是法国领地且官方语言是法语,尽管如此,其文化却丰富多彩,揉合了美拉尼西亚、欧洲、波利尼西亚、越南、中国、印尼等国的风情。这里有一个多山的大岛,称为大地岛 (Grande Terre),和6个较小的岛屿——洛亚蒂三岛 (Loyalty Islands)、贝莱普群岛 (Belep) 和松树岛 (Isle of Pines)。 整个群岛人口极为稀少,有大片的荒野。这里有数百公里长的徒步小径、随处可见的露营营地、超过42个公园和保护区、清澈透明的河流和莹莹闪光的瀑布。约三分之一的人口居住在首府努美阿。镍的开采是该国最主要的工业,也是维持其高标准生活的主要经济来源。大地岛四周环绕着世界第二大珊瑚礁,此珊瑚礁形成的泻湖是世界上最大的,也是受保护的泻湖。该泻湖于2008年被列为世界遗产,面积达24000平方公里,是品种丰富的鱼类和无脊椎动物栖息之地。 对于刚上岛的游客而言,最引人注目的是这里鲜艳夺目的色彩。努美阿以其完备的酒店、度假酒店、餐馆设施和丰富多彩的活动欢迎游客的到来。

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