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По реке в День поминовения усопших. 清明上河图 Along The River During The Qingming Festival

По реке в День поминовения усопших - живописная панорама, созданная в XII веке при дворе династии Сун.

На свитке запечатлена повседневная жизнь обитателей императорской столицы. Свиток длиной в 528 см в мельчайших подробностях изображает занятия самых разных сословий. Здесь нашли отражение и крестьянский труд, и столичная суета. 

В общей сложности можно разглядеть 814 человеческих фигур, 28 лодок, 94 животных и 170 деревьев. Свиток Цзэдуаня настолько полюбился одному из императоров династии Юань, что он собственноручно начертал на обороте своё стихотворение.

Along the River During the Qingming Festival is a panoramic painting generally attributed to the Song dynasty (XII century). It captures the daily life of people at the capital, Bianjing.

The scroll is 25.5 centimetres in height and 5.25 meters long. In its length there are 814 humans, 28 boats, 60 animals, 30 buildings, 20 vehicles, 8 sedan chairs, and 170 trees.

The entire piece was painted in the handscroll format and the content reveals the lifestyle of all levels of society from rich to poor as well as different economic activities in rural areas and the city. It offers glimpses of period clothing and architecture. 

Copyright: Kolesnikov Sergey
Type: Cylindrical
Resolution: 38414x1800
Taken: 21/10/2020
上传: 21/10/2020
Published: 21/10/2020


Tags: out_of_this_world; 360_drawing; indoor; history; china; 清明上河图
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Welcome to Earth! It's a planet having an iron core, with two-thirds of its surface covered by water. Earth orbits a local star called the Sun, the light of which generates the food supply for all the millions of species of life on earth. The dominant species on Earth is the human being, and you're one of the six billion of them! Humans have iron in their blood, and their bodies are composed of two-thirds water, just like the planet they live on. The physical composition of the Earth, its people and everything on it contains an electro-magnetic field which is not yet fully understood. Theories and legends about the origin of Earth, people and life itself abound, however they are not commonly discussed. The bulk of earth's people spend their time immersed in daily activities, leaving the big questions for later. "Who are we? Where did we come from? Where are we going? How will we get there?" Many religions and philosophies have attempted to answer these questions over the years, but so far none has given an answer that everyone on the planet can accept. In contrast to all the disagreement, the similarities among people on earth are far, far greater than any differences. Welcome again to Earth! Enjoy your stay, and try to stay calm.

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