A cidade de Guimarães parece ter nascido já durante o período da alta idade média, em terras que pertenciam à Condessa Mumadona Dias e seu marido Conde Hermenegildo Mendes. Após a morte do Conde, nos meados do séc. X Mumadona Dias herdara Vimaranes, e teria de executar uma das verbas testamentárias do marido, a construção de um mosteiro para frades e freiras, dedicado ao Salvador do Mundo, à Virgem Maria e aos doze Apóstolos, sob a regra dos eremitas de S. Pacómio. Durante as invasões normandas, e a fim de proteger o Mosteiro contra as incursões dos vikings e mulçumanos, mandou construir na colina mais próxima do Mosteiro a primeira fortificação, de madeira e terra. Foi Cabeça do territorio do Condado Portucalense.
This square was a yard outside the city walls, next to the main door of the village, and was where the cattle fair was made. Today is considered the heart of the city, and suffered a minimalist remodeling in 2012, when Guimarães was the European C...
The Church of Nossa Senhora da Oliveira (1397-1450), belonged to the former medieval monastery. It is the result of a gothic reconstruction. It is the richest example of the Gothic throughout northern Portugal. Between 1450-1515 suffered important...
The Church of Nossa Senhora da Oliveira (1397-1450), belonged to the former medieval monastery. It is the result of a gothic reconstruction (3 ships of 3 tram, and protruding transept). She is the richest example of the Gothic throughout northern ...
An old convent, from which the cloister and the church remains. The Church of Gothic Structure, the XIV century. In the seventeenth century a baroque portico was added, and the chapel was expanded. It has a beautiful sevencentist choir choirregal ...
An old convent, from which the cloister and the church remains. The Church of Gothic Structure, the XIV century. In the seventeenth century a baroque portico was added, and the chapel was expanded. It has a beautiful sevencentist choir choirregal ...
An old convent, from which the cloister and the church remains. The Church of Gothic Structure, the XIV century. In the seventeenth century a baroque portico was added, and the chapel was expanded. It has a beautiful sevencentist choir choirregal ...
An old convent, from which the cloister and the church remains. The Church of Gothic Structure, the XIV century. In the seventeenth century a baroque portico was added, and the chapel was expanded. It has a beautiful sevencentist choir choirregal ...
An old convent, from which the cloister and the church remains. The Church of Gothic Structure, the XIV century. In the seventeenth century a baroque portico was added, and the chapel was expanded. It has a beautiful sevencentist choir choirregal ...
One of the most beautiful churches in Guimarães, was founded by Régia letter from D.João I of November 3, 1400. Its origin, however, is more remote and corresponds to the coming to this city of the first Friars of Poverello de Assisi, in the middl...
One of the most beautiful churches in Guimarães, was founded by Régia letter from D.João I of November 3, 1400. Its origin, however, is more remote and corresponds to the coming to this city of the first Friars of Poverello de Assisi, in the middl...
One of the most beautiful churches in Guimarães, was founded by Régia letter from D.João I of November 3, 1400. Its origin, however, is more remote and corresponds to the coming to this city of the first Friars of Poverello de Assisi, in the middl...