When protest becomes an occupation. The truckers “Freedom Convoy” arrived on January 29th 2022. The protest lasted 23 days, until they were removed by police, after the Government invoked the Emergencies Act. Protesters were opposed to the vaccination mandate put through by the Government last year. Truckers can't travel across borders, Provincial or National, without proof of vaccination. 85% of truckers were vaccinated and continued their vital work, transporting goods across Canada and over the border to the US. Downtown Ottawa, was overrun by the so called "Freedom Convoy." During the weekends of the protest, the "Convoy" attracted fairly large crowds of supporters who gathered around Parliament Hill. Most people at the protest were peaceful, some took on an intimidating stance. Many of the protestors left the city, leaving the trucking convoy on the streets, which were blocked. At the start truckers used their horns continuously, until this was stopped by an injunction. It was horrendous for people living and working downtown, not only because of the noise but also the air pollution caused by idling trucks. The truckers said they would stay until the mandates were lifted. On January 18th police started to remove the protesters and their trucks.