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Canary Islands

Teide is a volcano on Tenerife, Canary Islands. It is with its 3718 meters the highest mountain in Spain, and the third largest volcano on Earth. The volcano considered dormant, and it is quite possible that in the future may be new outbreaks. The volcano is surrounded by a national park called Parque Nacional de las Cañadas del Teide. The size of the park is 13,571 hectares and was declared a conservation area 1954th It is Spain's most visited national park with about 3 million visitors annually. The national park contains the specially developed animal and plant species for the climate at the Teide such Teide broom with vitreous flowers, Teide violet is a botanical rarity that has acclimatized to Teide dry pumice slopes and growing of up to 3200 meters. Teide Fink with his blue feathers are unique to Tenerife. Gondolas on the Teide The Teide leads today four roads, one in each direction, which winds up in over two thousand meters above sea level, at the side of the road are dense forests of Canary Island all the way up to the national park. The northern route starts at Los Rodeos Airport, and is the simplest and shortest, the west by La Orotava Valley is the slingrigaste and most demanding and offers not that much of scenarios. The other offers, however, the splendid view of the pine forest that crowns the volcano up to the platform just as the caldera. Volcanic peak can be reached with a 2482 meter long cable car, built in 1999, with the top station at 3555 meters above sea level, 163 meters from the summit - warning for Sundays and holidays when kanarieborna like queuing for hours to ride the cable car. To reach the top requires special permission, which can be found on the park's headquarters in Santa Cruz, or from the park URL: Teide National Park. There has always been a volcano on Tenerife, as the island is composed of volcanic material. The volcano has probably originally formed by a hot spot that is located in the Canary Islands. Teide itself was formed when the old volcano Teide which is now had a powerful eruption. As the volcano erupted and a vulkankon has formed on the center of Tenerife and that is what is known as Teide. There are also many other small craters around the great who have had outbreaks later than the main crater Teide had. It is not clear if the latest outbreak of at Teide occurred, but we think it was sometime in the late 1400s when Christopher Columbus on his first voyage to America sailed past Tenerife. In 1492, he recorded in his logbook, the Teide volcano erupted. Teide was a sacred place for the indigenous people of Tenerife, Guanches. They thought it was the entrance to hell, and the devil Guayota lived down there. On guanche, indigenous languages, called the volcano from the beginning Echeide ("Hell"), which later became the Teide. The rock's full name in Spanish is Pico de Teide, and it has given its name to the mountain Mons Pico on the Moon. Teide är en vulkan på Teneriffa, Kanarieöarna. Den är med sina 3 718 meter Spaniens högsta berg, och den tredje största vulkanen på jorden. Vulkanen betraktas som vilande, och det är fullt möjligt att den i framtiden kan få nya utbrott. Vulkanen omgärdas av en nationalpark som heter Parque Nacional de las Cañadas del Teide. Storleken på nationalparken är 13 571 hektar och förklarades som naturskyddsområde 1954. Den är Spaniens mest besökta nationalpark med ca 3 miljoner besökare årligen. I nationalparken finns det specialutvecklade djur- och växtarter för klimatet vid Teide till exempel Teide-ginsten som har vitrosa blommor, Teide-violen som är en botanisk raritet som har acklimatiserat sig för Teides torra pimpstenssluttningar och växer på ända upp till 3 200 meters höjd. Teide-finken med sina blå fjädrar är unik för Teneriffa. Kabinbanan på Teide Till Teide leder idag fyra bilvägar, en i vart väderstreck, som slingrar sig upp på över två tusen meters höjd, vid sidan av vägen finns tät skog av kanarietall hela vägen upp till nationalparken. Den norra vägen utgår vid Los Rodeos flygplats och är den enklaste och kortaste, den västra genom La Orotava-dalen är den slingrigaste och mest krävande samt bjuder inte så värst mycket till scenarier. De övriga bjuder dock på strålande utsikt över pinjeskogen som kransar vulkanen upp till den plattformslika calderan. Vulkantoppen kan nås med en 2482 meter lång kabinbana, byggd år 1999, med toppstation på 3 555 meter över havet, 163 meter från toppen - varning för sön- och helgdagar då kanarieborna gärna köar i timmar för att åka med kabinbanan. För att nå toppen krävs särskilt tillstånd, som kan sökas på parkens huvudkontor i Santa Cruz eller från nationalparkens webbadress: Nationalparken Teide. Det har alltid funnits en vulkan på Teneriffa, eftersom ön är uppbyggd av vulkaniskt material. Vulkanen har antagligen från början bildats av en hetfläck som är placerad under Kanarieöarna. Själva Teide bildades när den gamla vulkanen där Teide ligger nu hade ett kraftigt utbrott. Allteftersom har vulkanen haft utbrott och en vulkankon har bildats på centrala Teneriffa och det är den som är känd som Teide. Det finns också många andra små kratrar runt om den stora som har haft utbrott senare än vad huvudkratern Teide har haft. Man vet inte säkert när det senaste utbrottet från just Teide inträffade, men man tror att det var någon gång i slutet av 1400-talet när Christofer Columbus på sin första seglats till Amerika seglade förbi Teneriffa. År 1492 antecknade han i sin loggbok, att vulkanen Teide hade ett utbrott. Vulkanen Teide var en helig plats för Teneriffas urbefolkning, guancherna. De trodde att det var ingången till helvetet, och att djävulen Guayota bodde där nere. På guanche, urbefolkningens språk, hette vulkanen från början Echeide ("helvetet"), vilket senare blev Teide. Bergets fullständiga namn på spanska är Pico de Teide, och det har fått ge namn åt berget Mons Pico på Månen.

Copyright: Jan Andersson
Type: Spherical
Resolution: 9088x4544
Taken: 22/03/2013
Geüpload: 29/03/2013
Published: 29/03/2013
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Tags: mountain; lookout
More About Canary Islands

Overview and HistoryThe Canary Islands lie off the west coast of Africa and exist as an autonomous community belonging to Spain.There are seven major islands in the archipelago and one minor island, then several small pointy bits which grumble about their diminutive status. The big ones are Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura, La Palma, Lanzarote, El Hierro, and La Gomera.The whole group is the result of volcanic activity from 60 million years ago, which is why the beaches have black sand for you to crunch along on. There are no active volcanos at the moment, but one never knows. Another way to say it is that these islands are part of the Atlas Mountain range which can be traced across northern Africa.At one point in the 16th century the islands were called "the sugar islands" for their production of cane sugar. The economy has since developed wineries, agriculture and now tourism as principal activity.Getting ThereThe Canary Islands have six airports in total. Here's a quick reference for the airports. The main international airport is Gran Canaria Airport, the gateway to the islands. It's 18km south of Las Palmas and has EU, International and Inter-Island terminals.TransportationHighway maintenance to the Canary Islands is sorely lacking, ha ha. Ferry service connects the islands to each other, but you can also take a small plane to hop between them.On the islands you can rent a car but be sure to carry your passport and license with you all the time. People ride bikes and take the guagua bus to get around. (It's pronounced "wa-wa".) Bus schedules can be infrequent or sporadic. Tenerife and Gran Canaria have impressive public transport systems that cover most of their islands.People and CultureThe Canary currency is the Euro; the islands are one of the farthest outlaying regions of the Euro zone.The culture is undoubtedly Spanish, but the mainland custom of kissing on both cheeks when you say hello can be abbreviated to only one kiss. You need quick reflexes to get it right. There's an accent that's a little bit different from mainland, and not quite the same as South American spanish either. The saying is that islanders talk "with potatos in their mouth" because of their lazy-sounding pronunciation.Things to do, RecommendationsHere's a basic look at the main islands. The way we see it, if you need directions for how to have fun on a tropical island full of fruit and fish, you're beyond our help.The largest island is Tenerife with about two thousand square kilometers and a wide variety of plant life and terrain. It is home to the highest point "in Spain", the volcano El Teide at 3718 meters. Tenerife has excellent weather all year round, with a wide variety of terrain and vegetation including crops such as bananas, tomatos and potatos.La Palma does not have very many beaches, and they are not very long. Two popular ones are in Puerto Naos on the west side, and Los Cancajos on the east. Most of the island is a biological reserve. It's known as "the green island"; come here for the mountains, sweet bananas and vineyards.On Gran Canaria you can choose from endless sandy beaches, dunes, mountains and also lush green scenery. This island is home to more than half the population of the Canary Islands.Fuertaventura has the oldest history. Homer mentioned it in his brief travel guide called "The Odyssey." Its name may come from the expression "What a great adventure!", or possibly, "strong wind." It's only separated from continental Africa by a narrow channel. Fuertaventura has the longest of all the beaches, and wonderful fine sand.Lanzarote is a Biosphere Reserve under UNESCO declaration, and comprises one of the six universal models of sustainable development according to the World Tourism Organization. Lanzarote is the farthest East of the major islands and has a year-round average temperature of 22 degrees C.La Gomera sports a National Park with dense forestation, crossed by deep ravines and surrounded by a perimeter of cliffs along most of the coast. Islanders have a special whistling language to communicate across the gorges in the forest.Text by Steve Smith.

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