The Shudou Lake lies in the mountains to the east of Shangri-La at an elevation of 3,700 m,Its name in Tibetan means "good yak butter, good grass" which is not surprising since it lies near "Yak Butter Mountain." It is nearly round being about a mile in diameter. It lies in a bowl amid surrounding high hills that are covered with conifers. The lake probably formed from glaciers in the last ice age about 10,000 years ago. Most of the lower slopes are devoid of trees and are green due to a lush growth of grass.
Yunnan Province in southwest China border, the provincial capital Kunming. Warring States period, this is the Dian tribe fowl. Yunnan, namely, "Caiyunzhinan"and the other argument is that because in the "Yunling of the South " is named. The total area of about 39 million square kilometers, accounting for 4.11% of total land area, the provincial administrative regions in the country ranked No. 8 in the area. The total population of 45,130,000 (2008), accounting for 3.36% of the population, the population ranked 13th. And Yunnan provinces adjacent to Sichuan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Tibet, Yunnan Province, three neighboring countries of Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam. Tropic of Cancer crosses from the southern province.