I have always been attracted to wilderness and was very fortunate to have a friend who was a park ranger, Merv Shaw. I spent several holidays with them, at Rokeby National Park, Cape York, Yarramulla near Undara and Ballaringa out from Mt Surprise. I did a number of paintings of these parks, but the only one left avaiable for sale is one of my favourites "The Home of the Peregrine Falcon"
I was also fortunate ot have visited Lawn Hill National Park, before I bought the Gallery. The print "Rockface of the Wild Dog Dreaming" is still avaiable as a giclee print and there is also a print aviable of Pinwell's Cave, Yarramulla, called "Sanctuary"
There are no kangaroos in Austria. We're talking about Australia, the world's smallest continent. That being cleared up, let's dive right in! Australia is a sovereign state under the Commonwealth of Nations, which is in turn overseen by Queen Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, Queen of Australia and Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth. The continent was first sighted and charted by the Dutch in 1606. Captain James Cook of Britain came along in the next century to claim it for Britain and name it "New South Wales." Shortly thereafter it was declared to be a penal colony full of nothing but criminals and convicts, giving it the crap reputation you may have heard at your last cocktail party. This rumor ignores 40,000 years of pre-European human history, especially the Aboriginal concept of Dreamtime, an interesting explanation of physical and spiritual reality. The two biggest cities in Australia are Sydney and Melbourne. Sydney is more for business, Melbourne for arts. But that's painting in very broad strokes. Take a whirl around the panoramas to see for yourself! Text by Steve Smith.