This Voodoo altar from the Dominican Republic is a very rare example of devotion to Santa Marta la Dominadora in "punto Metresa" where her image is placed on the upper part of the altar (altar Mayor) and not as it is common, in the lower and often hidden part of the altar also known as "Punto Petro". In this panoramic view we can see the whole pantheon of syncretistic images of many different Saints (or Lwas) on the main altar, then, panning to the right a smaller "Punto Petro" at ground level, containing San Elias, Baron del Cementerio, Santa Marta (en punto Petro) and other Petro spirits. Continuing to the right we can observe the "Punto Indio", a water receptacle for water spirits such as Yemaya, la Reina Anacaona and others. The three crosses in the middle of this altar represent the saint calvary. For more information about Dominican Voodoo worshiping and traditions please contact me at:
[email protected] or click on the following link to preview one of my documentaries on this topic: