绩溪县冯村古村落, 在绩溪县北38公里。为绩溪最古老的村落之一。据《冯氏宗谱》,该村为唐咸通六年(856年),歙州刺史冯子华长子冯延普兴建。这里古建筑最多,从村口东头进村,可依次见古府第7座:大树第、协政第、刺史第、登科第、州牧第、五马第、州司马第。这些府第门面完好,雕刻精致,大门前多有石质华表。有石牌坊4座,依次是:恩荣百岁坊、大夫坊、进士坊、贞烈坊。其中进士坊,建于明成化十年(1474年),造型最为美观,雕刻尤为精湛。有古桥13座,其中以龙门桥下一巨石横立,石中有洞,洞直径盈尺,溪水穿洞而过。村中还有古槐9株,别具一格,当地俗称之“九槐十三桥”。
Anhui Province, a province of the PRC, located in the east, the Yangtze River Delta hinterland. Across the Huaihe River, Yangtze River, the three major river systems Xin'anjiang. Provincial capital of Hefei. Anhui geographical diversity, both north and south colors. Is a southern province of Anhui Qing, Kangxi 6 years (AD 1667), analysis of southern provinces of Jiangsu and Anhui provinces and the formal province, take time Anqing, Huizhou, two governments, named after the first word. Territory Wan Shan, Anhui water, that today's Anhui Tianzhu Mountain and River, Spring and Autumn when the country was labeled Po, called Wan country, it is referred to Anhui Anhui.