白马塔位于敦煌市古城南部,党河乡红星村内,建于公元386年,相传是纪念北凉时高僧鸠摩罗什东传佛教,路经敦煌城,死去的白马而修建的。白马塔为9层,高12米、直径约7米,建筑结构为土坯垒砌,中为立柱,外面涂以草泥、 石灰。最底层呈八角形,用条砖包砌,每角面为3米;第2~4层火折角重叠形;第5层下有突出的乳钉,环绕一周。上为仰莲花瓣;第6层为覆钵形塔身;第七层为相轮形,最顶层为角形的坡刹盘,每角挂风铎一只。在第2层上有镌石两块、镌木一块。石上刻:"道光乙已桐月白文8采等重修"字样;木上写:"民国二十三年八月拔贡朱文镇、吕钟等修"字样。这足以证明此塔已经多次修葺。现存的白塔具有明代喇嘛塔的风格。记记载,白马塔于1930年还出土过一座0.9米的黑石造像塔,上刻金刚经,但不久即遗失了。
Old is Yongzhou Gansu provincial capital Lanzhou. Located in the upper Yellow River, located in the geographical center of China, between latitude 32 ° 31 '~ 42 ° 57', longitude 92 ° 13 '~ 108 ° 46' between. It is the east, Shaanxi, Qinghai, Sichuan controlled South, West Hill Xinjiang, brief Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, is the ancient Silk Road of the key sections of land and gold, and with the Mongolian border, it was like a magnificent gem, set in central China the Loess Plateau, Qinghai and Inner Mongolia plateau, something more than 1,600 kilometers meandering, aspect 453,700 square kilometers, accounting for 4.72% of the total area. Population 26 million (968 million in 1949), Han, Hui, Tibetan, Dongxiang, Yugu, Baoan, Mongolian, Kazak, Tu, Salar, Manchu and other ethnic groups. Among them, the Dongxiang, Yugur, Bonan is a minority of Gansu.