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Campagna Salentina

La pianura Salentina (chiamato anche Piana Messapica o Tavoliere di Lecce) è un vasto e uniforme bassopiano del Salento compreso tra i rialti terrazzati delle Murge a nord e le Serre salentine a sud.

Si estende per gran parte del brindisino (piana brindisina), per tutta la parte settentrionale della provincia di Lecce, a nord della linea che grossomodo congiunge Gallipoli e Otranto, fino ad Avetrana e Manduria nel tarantino.

Nella sua zona mediana corre la strozzatura del cosiddetto "istmo messapico", fra Porto Cesareo e l'antica Valesio, nei pressi di Torchiarolo.

Caratteristiche della pianura sono, oltre alla totale assenza di pendenze significative, i poderosi strati di terra rossa e l'assenza di corsi d'acqua di superficie. Il terreno carsico tuttavia presenta innumeroveli inghiottitoi (chiamate vore o capoventi), punti di richiamo delle piovane, che convogliono l'acqua nel sottosuolo alimentando veri e propri fiumi carsici. Solcano poi la superficie numerosi canali scavati per favorire il deflusso delle piovane negli inghiottitoi, e per evitare quindi la formazione di acquitrini.


La campagna presenta anche qui, come in tutto il Salento, vasti appezzamenti di vigneti e uliveti. Frequenti sono poi le masserie, alcune delle quali sono oggi recuparate in chiave agroturistica, e dimore sparse o ricoveri temporanei per i contadini, ormai spesso in stato di abbandono.


Fenomeno del tutto particolare sono infine i casini e le casine della villeggiatura agreste ottocentesca e novecentesca, caratteristici della zona immediatamente ad Ovest di Lecce, tra Novoli e San Donato (Valle della Cupa).

[Notizie prese da WIKIPEDIA ]

Copyright: Domenico Perrone
Art: Spherical
Resolution: 8000x4000
Taken: 28/07/2010
Hochgeladen: 05/08/2010
Published: 05/08/2010


Tags: nature; salento; italy; lecce; country; wild; sunset
Mehr über Italy

The name "Italy" is shrouded in mystery; some etymologists trace it to a Greek word meaning "the land of young cattle."Italy was fond of Jupiter and Mars from the very start, Jupiter for fatherly good luck and Mars for war!But it all began with Rome. Rome was founded by Romulus and Remus who were sons of Rhea and Mars.The twins were abandoned at birth out of a fear that they would grow up and later overthrow Amelius, usurper of their grandfather's rightful throne.Wrongful mis-doings most foul! Treachery and sabotage!! HOW would these two blessed infants make their way in such a world?As it turns out, the twins didn't have to make their way very far, because one of them killed the other one and then they weren't twins anymore. But that happens later.First they got rescued by a she-wolf who suckled them with her milk and raised them as her own until they were discovered by the shepherd Faustulus.Faustulus fed them meat and bread and also raised them as his own until they were old enough to return to Amelius and hack him up as planned. They reinstated the grandfather Numitor to his rightful throne and went off to celebrate by starting a town of their own.They chose a hilly area where the mama wolf had saved them from certain death in the barren wilderness and began scouting locations.Romulus liked one hill. Remus liked another. The circle of crows like Romulus' hill, so Romulus killed Remus and named the town after himself. Thus Rome was born and Italy with it.Text by Steve Smith.

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