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包头吕祖庙:位于内蒙古包头市东河区吕祖庙街,始建于清咸丰末年, 起初只是一个简陋的小庙,同治五年(1866年)扩建,庙号“妙法禅寺”,过去曾被称为包头“十大寺庙之一”。
Short Inner Mongolia. Located in the northern frontier of China, Northwest close to Mongolia and Russia. Area of 110 square kilometers; population of 23.26 million; to the largest number of Mongolian and Han, in addition, there are Korean, Hui, Manchu, Daur, Ewenki, Oroqen and other nationalities. Region is divided into 7 Union, jurisdiction 5 prefecture-level cities; its 15 county-level cities under another jurisdiction, 17 counties, 49 flags, 3 Autonomous Banner. Its capital. Baotou, Wulanchabu, Wuhai, Hailar, Tongliao and other major cities in the region.