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Ila 2014 A

The ILA 2014 took place from 20 to 25 May 2014 at the Berlin ExpoCenter Airport. A total of 1203 exhibitors from 40 countries were represented on the 250,000 m² exhibition grounds. According to the organizers, 270,000 visitors attended the event, 120,000 of whom were trade visitors. More than 300 aircraft were on display[20] The wide-body aircraft were represented by an An-124-100 from Volga-Dnepr Airlines, the 48th A380 delivered to Emirates, both of which could be viewed, and a Boeing 747-8i from Lufthansa. The latter was christened Lower Saxony and was presented to a selected specialist audience on one day only. The 4th prototype of the A350 XWB commercial aircraft, which is currently undergoing testing, was presented for the first time, but only to a specialist audience and only on the opening day.[21] Turkey was the partner country of the ILA 2014 and was represented with numerous military aircraft, such as the T-129 combat helicopter and the Solo Türk air force aerobatic team. Other aerobatic formations included the Breitling Jet Team and the Patrouille Suisse. The German Armed Forces also had a strong presence and demonstrated various military equipment in the air and on the ground in the combined Willfire 2014 simulation. The Czech Air Force flew several aircraft and helicopters, including the ALCA and Saab Gripen fighter jets.


Die ILA 2014 fand vom 20. bis 25. Mai 2014 auf dem Gelände des Berlin ExpoCenter Airport statt. Auf dem insgesamt 250.000 m² großen Ausstellungsgelände waren insgesamt 1203 Aussteller aus 40 Ländern vertreten. 270.000 Besucher frequentierten nach Angaben der Organisatoren die Veranstaltung, davon waren 120.000 Fachpublikum. Gezeigt wurden über 300 Fluggeräte.[20] Die Großraumfluggeräte wurden durch eine An-124-100 der Volga-Dnepr Airlines, die 48. an Emirates ausgelieferte A380, die beide besichtigt werden konnten, sowie eine Boeing 747-8i der Lufthansa repräsentiert. Letztere wurde auf den Namen Niedersachsen getauft und nur an einem Tag dem ausgewählten Fachpublikum vorgestellt. Erstmals wurde der sich in der Erprobung befindliche 4. Prototyp des Verkehrsflugzeugs A350 XWB vorgeführt, allerdings nur dem Fachpublikum und nur am Eröffnungstag.[21] Als Partnerland der ILA 2014 fungierte die Türkei, die mit zahlreichem militärischen Fluggerät, etwa dem Kampfhubschrauber T-129 sowie der Kunstflugstaffel der Luftstreitkräfte Solo Türk vertreten war. Weitere Kunstflugformationen waren das Breitling Jet Team und die Patrouille Suisse. Auch die Bundeswehr zeigte starke Präsenz und führte in der kombinierten Simulation Willfire 2014 verschiedenes militärisches Gerät in der Luft und am Boden vor. Die Luftstreitkräfte Tschechiens zeigten mehrere Flugzeuge und Hubschrauber fliegend, darunter die Kampfflugzeuge ALCA und Saab Gripen.

Copyright: Harald Bendschneider
Type: Spherical
Resolution: 10744x5372
Taken: 14/11/2023
Chargée: 14/11/2023
Published: 15/11/2023
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More About Germany

Germany? Before the beginning there was Ginnungagap, an empty space of nothingness, filled with pure creative power. (Sort of like the inside of my head.)And it ends with Ragnarok, the twilight of the Gods. In between is much fighting, betrayal and romance. Just as a good Godly story should be.Heroes have their own graveyard called Valhalla. Unfortunately we cannot show you a panorama of it at this time, nor of the lovely Valkyries who are its escort service.Hail Odin, wandering God wielding wisdom and wand! Hail Freya, hail Tyr, hail Thor!Odin made the many lakes and the fish in them. In his traverses across the lands he caused there to be the Mulheim Bridge in Cologne, as did he make the Mercury fountain, Mercury being of his nature.But it is to the mighty Thor that the Hammering Man gives service.Between the time of the Nordic old ones and that of modern Frankfort there may have been a T.Rex or two on the scene. At least some mastodons for sure came through for lunch, then fell into tar pits to become fossils for us to find.And there we must leave you, O my most pure and holy children.Text by Steve Smith.

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