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Lindenberg Allgäu, Churche St. Peter and Paul
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: The Catholic parish church of St. Peter and Paul in Lindenberg in the Allgäu in the Bavarian district of Lindau (Lake Constance) is a neo-baroque building from the beginning of the 20th century. The listed church is also known as Westallgäu Cathedral. The population growth of the city of Lindenberg at the end of the 19th century meant that several institutions - including the church - too small. The merchant Christian Mayer encouraged in this time the founding of a church association, which was founded in 1885 under Pastor Franz Eberle. Through regular contributions and targeted collections was the financial Foundation for a new church built. The situation of the church was discussed starting from 1896, and one decided finally, to build the church at Goethestraße 3. The location of the church was confirmed by an opinion of the President of the Government and the episcopal ordinariate in Augsburg. First plan sketches for the new church were already available in 1901. The neo-Baroque church building of the Munich was completed Architects Franz Rank, master builder was Josef Bilger from Lindenberg. The building was managed by architect Brachinger. On the feast of Mary's Birth of the Year in 1912, the foundation stone was laid by the parish priest Johannes Egger. The finished one was inaugurated Church construction on May 14, 1914 by Bishop Maximilian von Lingg. The construction costs for the new church amounted to about 600,000 marks. The parish of St. Peter and Paul forms since September 1, 2016 with the parishes Scheidegg and Scheffau the parish community Pfänderrücken in the deanery Lindau (bishopric Augsburg).
Copyright: Frank Ellmerich
Type: Spherical
Resolution: 10000x5000
Taken: 12/02/2018
Subida: 12/02/2018
Published: 12/02/2018
Número de vistas:


Tags: germany; deutschland; allgäu; lindau; lindenberg; churche; kirche; stadtkirche; st.; petrus; und; paulus; scheidegg; dom; scheffau
More About Allgaeu

Das Allgäu ist die südlichste Landschaftsregion Deutschlands und wegen ihrer Schönheit und Vielfältigkeit eine der beliebtesten Urlaubsregionen Deutschlands. Die abwechslungsreiche Landschaft erstreckt sich von den Ufern des Bodensees über die hügeligen Voralpen bis hin zum Hochgebirge und bietet deshalb viel sehens- und erlebenswertes. Das Allgäu erstreckt sich über den südlichen Teil des bayerischen Regierungsbezirkes Schwaben, das äußerste südöstliche Baden-Württemberg sowie einige zu Österreich gehörende Grenzgebiete.  Eine streng definierte geographische Begrenzung gibt es nicht, oft geht es fließend in die benachbarten Landschaften über.  

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