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Zvolen Castle - Zvolenský zámok

Zvolen castle was built by Louis I. from Anjou, which built it like a gothic hunting castle. In his form was finished in 1382, when it was a witness of an engagement of his daughter Mary and Sigmund Luxemburger. When we talk about a history of this castle, we cannot forget on John Jiskra from Brandýs, who became one of the most powerful commander in Hungary and this castle was one of his manors from 1440 to 1462. The castle was also often visited by a king Mathew with his wife Beatrice, who used this castle as a manor from 1490. About 1500 was built up external fortification with four round bastions and entrance gate. In half of 16th century was built up another floor with embrasures and corner oriel towers. About 1590 was built up artillery bastion also. The castle was rebuilt many times, but it retains its Renaissance look The castle was nominated as a National culture monument for his historic, art and architecture values and it was reconstructed in 60th years of 20th century. The Slovak National Gallery has a seat in this castle now, where it presents its expositions.


Za stavbu Zvolenskeho zamku sa zasluzil najma kral Ludovit I. z Anjou, ktory ho staval ako polovnicky zamok. Vo svojej podobe bol dokonceny v roku 1382, ked sa stal dejiskom zasnub jeho dcery Marie so Zigmundom Luxemburskym. Pri historii zamku netreba zabudat ani na Jana Jiskru z Brandysa, ktory sa v 15. storocistal jednym z najmocnejsich vojvodcov v Uhorsku a zamok bol jednym z jeho sidiel od roku 1440 do roku 1462. Zamok casto navstevoval aj kral Matej Korvin so svojou manzelkou Beatrix, ktora uz neskor ako vdova vyuzivala zamok ako sidlo od roku 1490. Okolo roku 1500 bolo Thurzovcami vystavane vonkajsie opevnenie spolu so styrmi okruhlymi bastami a vstupnou branou a v polovici 16.storocia v dosledku natlaku Turkov bolo pristavene ďalsie poschodie so strielnami a naroznymi arkierovymi vezickami. Okolo roku 1590 bol potom pristaveny aj delostrelecky bastion. Zamok presiel postupne viacerymi stavebnymi upravami, pricom ta renesancna mu v podstate zostala dodnes. Pre jeho historicke, umelecke a architektonicke hodnoty bol v minulosti vyhlaseny za narodnu kulturnu pamiatku a v 60. rokoch 20. storocia zrekonstruovany. Dnes sa v nom nachadza Slovenska narodna galeria, ktora tu vystavuje svoje expozicie.

Copyright: Cibula Vincent
Type: Spherical
Resolution: 10328x5164
Taken: 24/08/2009
Uploaded: 27/08/2009
Published: 27/08/2009


Tags: zvolen castle hrad zámok
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