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Аллея Героев .Avenue Of Heroes

Аллея Героев

Эта, одна из самых красивых улиц Волгограда, представляет собой широкий бульвар и соединяет центр города - площадь Павших борцов с набережной Волги. Начинается аллея от проспекта Ленина, пересекает улицу Советскую и заканчивается у улицы Чуйкова. Аллея названа в честь участников Сталинградской битвы и жителей города, удостоенных звания Героя Советского Союза.Аллея Героев - любимое место отдыха волгоградцев. Здесь многолюдно и в будни, и в праздники.



Avenue of Heroes

This, one of the most beautiful streets of Volgograd, represents wide parkway and connects city centre - square of the Fallen fighters to quay of Volga. The avenue from Lenin's circular starts, intersects street Soviet and is ended for street Chujkova. The avenue is named in honour of participants of Stalingradsky fight and the townsmen, awarded ranks of the Hero of Soviet Union. Avenue of Heroes - favourite vacation spot of inhabitants of Volgograd. Here it is populous both in everyday life, and on holidays.


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Copyright: Imma
Type: Spherical
Resolution: 8000x4000
Taken: 08/12/2009
Uploaded: 08/12/2009
Published: 08/12/2009


Tags: volgograd; stalingrad; volga; russia; avenue of heroes; immanuil nare
More About Russia

Just in case you mistakenly heard that it was all ice and snow in Russia, take a peek at the Big Bikini Exposition. This is right on the river Moskva in Moscow!Moscow has been the capital of Russia for almost its entire history. The exception is during the period of the Russian Empire, which lasted from 1721 until the Russian Revolution 1917. For these two centuries the capital was St. Petersburg. The Russian Empire was the second largest contiguous Empire in world memory; only the Mongol Empire had been greater.Check out what's happening north of Mongolia these days, in ChitaAlthough you may not have heard of Sochi, on the Black Sea, they're building up quickly and hope to host the 2014 Olympics.Other periods of Russian history include the Tsardom of Russia, from Ivan IV to Peter the Great, and the Grand Duchy (14th-16th centuries).The earliest period of Russian history was ruled by the Novgorod Republic and Kievan Rus, which was the first Russian state dating back to 800AD in Kiev.Modern Russia remains one of the world's superpowers. They launched the earth's second satellite, called Sputnik 1, and were the first country to put a human being into orbit around earth. (The first one is called the Moon.)After the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991, Russia became a federal republic of 83 states.Text by Steve Smith.

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