Sântioana de Mureș, or Csittszentiván is a small village near Târgu Mureș. It has a spring nearby from where this creek flows. In the past years due to snowy winters and wide temperature changes the creek flooded the lower portions of the village. It can be seen from here that its banks are strengthened now.
Târgu Mureş [ˈtɨrɡu ˈmureʃ] (ältere Schreibweise Tîrgu Mureş, dt. Neumarkt am Mieresch, ung. Marosvásárhely [ˈmɒroʃvaːʃaːrhɛj]) ist eine Stadt in Siebenbürgen, Rumänien. Sie ist Hauptstadt des Kreises Mureş und hat etwa 146.000 Einwohner (Stand 2007).