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QingYun Temple
Guangdong Province

清云禅寺位于中国南海之滨的广东省汕头、潮州、揭阳三地交界处,座落  清云禅寺规划图于桑浦山中。这里山势蜿蜒,四面环合;林木青翠,百鸟争鸣。山中奇峰林立,怪石嶙峋,最高峰金刚岩状似僧帽,依天高挂,景象不凡,周围山石上每有海水所蚀圆孔,宛若古时铸钱之模,石下洞窟相连,绵延深远,自宋朝以来便有铸钱洞这美名。洞中清泉潺潺,掬而为饮,沁人肺腑,荡涤尘烦。铸钱洞是潮汕人平安,幸福的象征,“历代潮汕华人为求生存,坐上红头船,飘洋过海。看不见铸钱洞,即知道背井离乡,远离亲人。一旦发达,乘船归来,远远望见铸钱洞金刚岩即平安抵家!”桑浦山中时有异鸟显瑞,彩云呈祥,空中梵音缭绕,钟声悠长。实属天然胜景,佛门净地。

Copyright: Tcad Wen Zhou Cai
Art: Spherical
Resolution: 8272x4136
Taken: 26/09/2010
Hochgeladen: 17/02/2011
Published: 17/02/2011


Mehr über Guangdong Province

Guangdong Province, referred to as "Yue ", the provincial capital Guangzhou, the jurisdiction of cities in 21 provinces, including two deputy provincial cities (Guangzhou, Shenzhen), prefecture-level cities 19. Formerly Kwangtung, Canton, is Pinyin GuǎngDōng. Guangdong is the southern coast of mainland China, a province located south of Nanling, the South China Sea, Hong Kong and Macao, Guangxi, Hunan, Jiangxi and Fujian border, and Hainan across the sea. It is a Han Chinese as the main provinces, the country's 56 ethnic groups are distributed in the province. Guangdong customs and in language, history and culture, have a unique aspect, the internal department has three people, and northern China are very different. Guangdong GDP value has surpassed Taiwan as China's most economically developed provinces in the most open culture.

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