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Holy Trinity Church [Gornji Adrovac]

Continued Tolsojevog novel Anna Karenina, took place on the Morava River, in the battles of the Serbian-Turkish war. A romantic story about an officer who, after the ill-fated love goes to Serbia, to seek a new sense of life and peace to troubled souls, is only partially correct. Who was Colonel Rajevski, and why it is on its way to eternity, chose death in Serbia?

Anna's lover KILLINGS
Colonel Rajevski, which Tolstoy served as a prototype for the character of Vronsky, was killed in a battle for Adrovac (75km from Sokobanja), as a volunteer in the Serbian army, running, in the forefront to defend the honor of my family! Term names and rank, after the insult which he pronounced Černjajev.Preuzevši chief general in command of Serbian troops broken - Turks were forcibly moved to Aleksinac hiljda than 60 people - Colonel Rayevski managed to stop the Serbian plvlačenje, the rain of bullets he was spared, it fell under the horse, and - just as he ordered a counterattack, while the trumpet gave the sign for the onslaught, while I, without aćutanata, climbed the height where he wanted to personally command the attack, a bullet hit him in the head. He fell, Without saying a word. He is 36 years.

Losses in the Moravian battlefield, where he was killed and Colonel Rajevski, were enormous. The Serbs were expelled from the machine 9 thousand troops. He was killed 31 Russian officer - volunteer. Turkish losses were between 15 and 20 thousand people. Losses of both warring parties climbed to one-fourth of overall warring armies.

At the beginning of the biography of Nikolai Nikolaevich Rajevskog somehow always emphasizes, as an unavoidable fact that the gene was the grandson of morals, a hero of Patriotic War 1812th years, by which it is named. His father, also named Nikolai Nikolaevich (1801-1843), was a lieutenant-general. He married Anna Mihailovna Borozdinoj (1819-1883), which is said to be a nice, respectable and educated woman. His father died young, leaving behind two minor sons Nicholas and Michael of four for two years.

After such a family tragedy, mother, The individual, took care of the entire education of their sons, making it so consistently and courageously, as emphasized in biogram-Fiji, that its authority was unquestioned. And Nikolai and Mikhail attended the first Moscow Pansionat to then opt for studies in Physics and Mathematics at Moscow University.

Although geared toward the natural sciences, Nicholas was still in the study showed great interest in the literature. So I attended kružook S. Aksak where, in addition to literature, and seriously studied the history of Slavic countries. As soon as he and his brother Michael completed the study, expected by the service in the Guards Regiment busby. Entering then the environmental scene, the brothers have chosen their Rayevski different life paths. While the younger Michael soon married his girlfriend from a prominent family, Mary Grigorijevnom Gagarin, whose brother was a famous artist, and then gave birth to her multi-member family of four sons and six daughters, the latter is older, Nicholas, with enthusiasm, dealt with various public and community jobs.

Losses in the Moravian battlefield, where he was killed and Colonel Rajevski, were enormous. The Serbs were expelled from the line nine thousand soldiers. He was killed 31 Russian officer - volunteer. Turkish losses were between 15 and 20 thousand people. Losses of both warring parties climbed to one-fourth of overall warring armies.

The mission of the Slavic Committee from Odessa

Leo Tolstoy: Literary character and Vronsky's life and death Rajevskog, remained one embodiment of the ideals of chivalry, noble moral code

Among these, probably nakrupnije his social duties, can be included Rajevskog mission in the Balkans and in Serbia. Officially, he was sent from Odessa Slovenian Committee. And what the real meaning and what is truly important was his arrival in Serbia, it can be, at least in part, seen from four of his previously unpublished letters addressed to the Serbian Minister Milivoje Petrovic Blaznavcu army, but from what is now only hints at the title " The project of organizing the uprising in the Balkan Peninsula. " Although the document referred to in the literature, has not been published, to our knowledge, even after 140 years of its birth.

Mission Rajevskog began April of 1867. from Bucharest. From mid-May was in Serbia and in Bosnia. The letters he wrote to the French mini-expert Blaznavcu dating from the 15th May from Cacak, 30 May and 1 and 2 jun 1867th from Belgrade. From their content is clearly observed two important facts: Rajevski, with the consent of the Minister of War and visited units of the Serbian Army to the site and assess the state of Serbian cavalry organization, primarily, and secondly, it is traveling to Serbia, gave a detailed report on the usability routes in case of war conditions. Is the most comprehensive and most interesting letter from the first June, which gives a comprehensive proposal for the reorganization of the Serbian cavalry and to strengthen its combat readiness. In addition, part of the said letter-study and report on the state of roads in Bosnia, which also wanted to inform the Serbian government. The reason for this is stated as follows:

"Bearing in mind that Bosnia would soon become the scene of the war between Serbia and Turkey, I tried that during his journey gather certain information about the roads in this province. Although such information are not nearly complete, however, We consider it useful to report them on the stim- Serbian government, in the hope that it will have some of these benefits. "

The character of the visit to Serbia and Bosnia Rajevskog evident in the fact that he is in constant contact with Serbian Minister Blaznavcem military. It was sent all the reports that are destined for the Serbian government. However, a major report on his mission he is not, as expected, by Velikoslovenskom Committee, who was officially sent to the road, but the minister of the army of the Russian government.

General Nikolai Nikolaevich, the grandfather of Colonel Rajevskog, jeanod was the greatest heroes in the military Kutuzova, in battles against Napoleon's Army

"From Bucharest Rayevski by DA Miljutinu report on the necessity of sending officers to Serbia. However, his proposal did not cause the expected impact. In all areas of the sixties, with the exception of the 1867-1868 Congress, it was the biggest act of political activities of the Committee."

It is not unexpected because the political importance of the mission compared to the importance Rajevskog Sveslovenskog Congress, because it is certain that it had to contribute a crucial military report that was made. Certainly, it shall be competent to be judged only when he published his "project of organizing the uprising in the Balkan Peninsula," and that she saved a copy of which was sent to Constantinople Russian MP Ignatieff.

Learn Serbian and gun handling

At that time he was a student in St. Petersburg, Svetozar Markovic, who in his "Letters from St. Petersburg on 8 January 1868." Gave a very interesting content and then the picture of events in Russia:

General Černjajev famous for fighting for Tashkent, then gave the clipboard into military service that, as editor of "Ruskij Peace," dedicated to popularizing the idea panslovenskih, and on arrival to Serbia immediately received Serbian citizenship by taking over command of the army Moravia

"In order to tell you about the long-awaited Slovenian Committee. It has been approved by the Minister of Education (go over it because it is calculated based educational Celje) and to that day will come out of solution and the Emperor. Celje his work on bonding and spiritual unification of the Slav committees that should be present in all Slovene regions to work on the same Celje. The first session will be up to his day in the hall obdašnjeg University and then I'll tell you more about him.

I have told you that here is a very enthusiastic audience for the war, particularly the busy Russian youth. The local youth was hard to be convinced that this year addressed the fate of the South Slavs. Many learn the Serbian language and to master weapons, including Russian patriots received wholehearted participation in Slovenia's Movement, but the Sisters of Charity store which will oversee the wounded. In this work the enthusiasm Slovenian club introduced its own rules in gymnastics and fighting. We are Slavs were really long negligence educated Europe, so if we do not help white brother can not find any norther izabave us from the political, economic and spiritual bondage. "

Vronsky from mere husarskog
Prince Milan believed in his lucky star, and insisted that the ATO Serbo-Turkish War begins second July, the date of its proclamation of the Prince. War is released to the historical Deligrad (the Rujevica) words of his ancestor Milos: "Behold me, behold you, the war with the Turks!"

All 1870. The Rajevski was officially serving in the regiment busby. Although only thirty-year, but was in the rank of colonel. Then decided to leave the service of the busby regiment and to fly to Tashkent to participate in military operations. While there was a break at the front on the calmer periods of the study dealt with the cultivation of cotton and grapes in the southern regions of the Russian Empire.

Who really was a colonel Rayevski? Why is his biography for us today so interesting?

In short, he has served as Leo Tolstoy Vronsky prototype for the character in the novel "Anna Karenina". If we accept the thesis of G. N. Moisejeve, and some other authors, that the Colonel was Rayevski prototype for the character of Vronsky, then these two biographies, real and literary, could stand to each other almost like in a mirror, and until about the month of July 1876, when Vronsky from Odessa went to Serbia to arrive in the Serbian-Turkish war.

Volunteers, or samovoljci, as they were called at that time, prdestavljali are typical and very interesting phenomenon. Addition of biggest, Russian volunteers, Serbia priticali for help from other countries - Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Norway, Great Britain, France, Greece, and the brotherly support from Montenegro; rushed and freedom-loving Italian garibaldinci came Jevrerji arrived and the group Albanians. From Austria-Hungary and Germany, there was a few hundred Prečana and Krajisnik, mainly Serb volunteers, among them dozens of physicians and other medical staff, which is most lacking.

Giuseppe Garibaldi The letter, which brought with him into Italian garibaldinci Serbia, volunteers on the Drina, imbued with the ideal of those who volunteer reflects the lofty aspirations of freedom-loving:

"My dear friend, on behalf of oppressed peoples, I thank you for your tireless dedication, their cause. To present all that is generous in the world should contribute to the liberation of Christians, slaves, the horrible despotism Crescent, and from Crete to the Prut every nation, more or less oppressed, to shake off the yoke unhappy with yourself Jatagan. I will follow you heart and brave to go with you to the holy crusade. "

Volunteer their holy purpose, and probably brought Colonel Rayevski 21st starting from Odessa July 1876th year. Not known for certain when he might arrive in Belgrade. What is known however is that the fifth August as usual, and 17th new style, sent a letter to his mother in Belgrade. Among the data, and the next, on his arrival at Moravian front, left his testimony Pera Todorović writer, writer and translator at the headquarters of General Černjajeva. In dnevničkoj note from the camp of the Prugovcu-Bote 14/26. August wrote:

"The way to us from somewhere came Prugovcu Colonel Rajevski. He came before the 10-15 days from Russia, and when you first reported to the headquarters in Aleksinac, I met him. But when I handed over his business card Černjajevu, it seemed to me that this visit is not so happy Djenerala, as he rejoiced in the arrival of other Russians. From that time I only once saw Rajevskog ... "

Two weeks at the front

General Demetrius Aleksijević Miljutin, Russian Minister of War: Rayevski from his first intelligence mission in Serbia, urged the sending Miljutina Russian officers for Serbia, but that proposal was not the minister "left the impression of the expected" for political reasons

Although this information had to know. Todorovic in his diary leaves no exact date of the first meeting with Rayevski. Rather than the date given is wholly estimate as to when he arrived in Belgrade.

In contrast Todorovic, Giuseppe Barbanti Brodano, Italian volunteer, reported on this in his diary. It specifies 8 / 20. August.

So, if on 21 July (2 August) went from Odessa, then, according to Todorovićevoj estimate, between 30 July (August 11) and 4 / 16. August could be in Belgrade, where is 5 / 17. August sent a letter to my mother, then to 8 / 20. arrived in August and the Moravian Aleksinac front. Based on these calculations Rayevski spent in Serbia for about three weeks, or less than two weeks at the front, counting down to 20th August or the first September.

Indeed short of warriors who volunteer as enthusiastically went to help Serbia. But, nevertheless, as if there was some shade, which accompanied the colonel Rayevski. He noticed it and Pera Todorović and wrote that "this visit is not happy Djenerala, as he rejoiced in the arrival of other Russians."

In truth, he urged the Rayevski famous noble family. His grandfather was a proven hero Patriotic War 1812th year against Napoleon, and his legendary feat of a warrior is not immortalized none other than Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace". Brother Michael was the adjutant of the Russian Emperor Alexander II. Nicholas, as a young officer, was sent to a special and, apparently, a secret mission to the Balkans and in Serbia, in which it is, apparently, by the Minister of the Russian army general Miljutin. And above all, do not believe Tolstoy when he says that the Serbian war began after the personal tragedy of love?
Doctor Vladan Djordjevic, Head of the Serbian Medical Services (clip from 1910, when he was 66 years old) in their memories, described the death Rayevski. Later he was a successful mayor of Belgrade and the Prime Minister and his reakcionana and police authority is remembered as "vladanovština". In the controversy with Svetozar Markovic, the conservative point of view, "broke" the leftist ideas of Svetozar Markovic

"You have disgraced the name Rajevskih"

Although it is accepted with respect, with the rank of colonel, and although he was subsequently given to the joint command of the larger detachment, which he justified in the first battle of Zitkovac when he managed to regain some lost positions, but the situation has suddenly turned against him. About how he left a precious testimony of Dr. Vladan Đorđević:

"From the hospital I went into the headquarters oji found at night. At the table there was a lot of young Russian officer, who during my short absence podolazili were from Russia, and those who were detained at the headquarters as orbnans-officers.

No sooner had I sat down, opened the door and came out a tall, swarthy little hunched officer, in dingy uniforms with Serbian folk hat divizijara colonel. On his right shoulder on thin visas Cherkessia sword belt on his chest imađoše two Russian medal (a medal was Holy. Vladimira with swords).

A group of Russian officers-dobrodoljaca, upon arrival at the distribution of war, the Serbian unit of the Fourth Corps: Rayevski match was the first "volunteer", when thirty of them, from Russia and Montenegro, formed a troop called "Legion dedicated to death," the black flag mrtvčkom and white head with crossbones

General Černjajev looked at him with surprise and offered him a chair beside her.

- Where do you, Mr. Rajevski Colonel "- said the chief.

- I Prćilovačkog the visa, your Visokoprevashodstvo. I ordered the whole army to depart Djunis!

Černjajev drop a spoon from his hands and jump as scalded.

- What? Are you in possession? Deviation for God's sake?

- It's not possible to hold any further, your Visostvo! - Stood up and said I Rajevski.

- Ama entrusted to you must leave the office without special commands?

- I have twice sent the order, and when not I received any answer ... - Began Rajevski.

Černjajev catch the hair, he began to walk in the hall and shouting repeatedly:

- Colonel of the Russian army to do so! ... That it is not a military ... Eto chto znajet Cort also, that Miljutinskaja army!

Who knows how strongly hated the Russian military Černjajev Miljutin Minister, will understand the meaning of this reproach to cast Černjajev the Russian military. In Černjajevu increasingly Kipe bile. He stood before the poor Rajevskog hand and demonstrating in front of his nose, pushing out through his teeth just these few words:

- You ... more ... You do not deserve to wear the name Rajevskih. You are now brought shame to your grandfather, who famously beat as against Napoleon, you are disgraced brother, who was adjutant Gosudarja!

Official flag of Russian volunteers, which was made in Moscow: When Vronsky asked whether his letter to the Prince of Milan, he said-for death is not necessary recommendations

Rajevski problede as death, wince a step back as if he stepped on a snake, and only said:

- It's not true, Mikhail Gligoric! - Took the hat, and went away.

Visarion visarionovic tries to appease a certain amount of morals, and it was never difficult, because on plane, and after a moment he regretted if the injustice which made angry. Colonel Rayevski wanted that same night to leave the Serbian army and Aleksinac and go home ... but Černjajev like he is still the same noš apologizes for insult inflicted on him by, and the following day in the morning I saw Colonel Rajevskog chest, in addition to those medals, and two Russian - Takovo cross. (...)"

Battle of Šumatovca

Struggles for Aleksinac those days were in full swing. Serbian army won a great victory in Šumatovcu. But all the violence and other battles in the Moravian front war convincingly reflects the following report:

"Losses in fighting these past few days have been huge. The Turks they amount to 15 000 to 20 000 people. Were killed and 31 Russian officer. Serbs for this few days had sidelined no less than 9 000 people, therefore, losses of both parties reach 25 000 people, or one-fourth of the entire army that fought.

Yet, there was some discrepancy between the successes achieved and the results achieved on the battlefield.

"Exhausted in the mighty struggles of the Serbian army not to use the results obtained and the Turks, who forsook all positions on the right bank of the Morava, vigorously prosecuted. Kerim Pasha moved his headquarters from Tešica transfer operations and focus on the left bank of the Morava. When deviations for Turks you undo all the bridges. The Serbian army had not yet succeeded in preparing the onset of k Tesic, when on August 20 (September 1, new style - the author's objection), the Turkish army of its mass, the strength of 60 000 people, went from the heights Tešica the left bank of the Morava k Aleksinac Adrovca ​​through the village, to come to the back of the Serbian army, which in turn, to prevent the invasion of the Turks had to say this fight in the open field.

The decisive battle for Adrovac was crucial for Colonel Rayevski. It lasted from 8 o'clock in the morning until 22 hours.

"The Turkish attack began on September 1 at 8 am mass artillery fire along the whole front, which is almost without interruption until 12 o'clock, to neutralize Serbian artillery and disguise the direction of the main attack. As soon as they announce the first tone, the general Černjajev rode out with the entire headquarters from Aleksinac and arrived at a gallop Prćilovački vis. "

A participant in this battle Dr. Vladan Đorđević there was then chief of staff, in which is accompanied by the Colonel Rajevski, and testified about it in their memories:

Sketch of the Battle of Adrovca, from the book Peter and the Sava Opačića Skok:

Although the arch-covered Turkish army, the Serbs had a thin schedule, I did not have operating reserves. The balance of power was 3-1 for the Turks, even 5:1 in artillery. Passenger Captain (later the legendary Duke) reports the position of Miner's Brigade, that the pipe guns, "so too warm, they're no longer in operation." Serbian defeat at Adrovca ​​Turks failed to take advantage even though the Serbs then threatened a disaster. Kerim Pasha, Turkish commander, he was so surprised by the violence of the Serbian resistance to the horse instead of the Serbian onslaught of broken ranks, he ordered his exhausted army break

Last lunch under the oak

"In a career that projurismo covered corn field between the bridgehead and žitkovačke inn, then svrnusmo prićilovačkim right road, a little later, the first left up the hill.

Only when the first popesmo hair, and a Turkish shell and right before us, and burst like a bouquet in Štuverov "fajerverku". Fortunately, we were so far, no one was injured. However, this was the reason shells and đeneral commanded that his entire entourage to remain there and wait for the command, and he and the Colonel Kamarovom Rayevski go further ./.../

It was about noon when we found him under a tree on the western slope prćilovačkih bare heights, which is lowered into the stream between them and both Adrovca.

Why đeneral that the boiler has stopped, I do not know, because from there and could not see battle, let alone have an overview over all your movements and enemy forces.

All that from that place could see, was our position in the Upper Adrovcu, even those very far away.

The battle, however, is already raging fire and pedestrian and left more than this place, where he was lying carpet chief.

When we arrived and we under the bush, no one said anything to us or we get no orders, nor where we were before.

Only Rayevski Colonel stood with us to offer it to lunch because he was pulled from their saddlebag some cold roast and a bottle of wine and lunch.

Most refused his offer with gratitude. Who was the meal, when the gunfire more and more of us primicaše.

Only Rayevski not only ate quietly, but it surprised me especially on the dismal ćutalice, he is now constantly tease and joke made quip, which I laughed aloud, because we allowed anyone to heaven. (...)

However, the report comes from the Upper Adrovca, that the position in severe danger, the Turks penetrated in that direction with great force in očevidnoj intention to take adrovačke heights, and to surround the whole of our vosjku prićilovačkim Heights and then to us, burying strongly from the front, Sjur the Morava.

At this point, Černjajev, having no army under his arm to throw it to the place that was in danger, are resolved, at least to send a reliable commander in that position and therefore turned Rayevski:

- G. Colonel, please hurry to the Upper Adrovac, receive a command and watch just to maintain that position for an hour, until then I will send you to the whole of fresh troops to help.

- With better udovolljstvijem - said cheerfully Rajevski, and sprang to his feet and his horse pritezajući girth, Sanu me smiling: Enfin, moncher Dosteur (Finally, my dear doctor) an opportunity to see that l 'I am not so unworthy descendant Djenerala Rajevskog and whether "miljutinska" army as bad as they say.

For this we put out his hand, with which very kordijalno, almost frantically squeezing my hand, jumped on his horse and ran the shortest route across the fields and vineyards in the upper right Adrovac.

I do not know why, but the few words and one prišaptanih unusual pressure of the hand, a kind of unpleasant zadahnuše me foreboding. I am the voice, which Rayevski bye to đeneral, telling him:

- Prašćajte, Vladimir Gligoric! - Somehow especially trembling, and I have a long, long time looking for him. "
Monastery of St.. Romana, near the village Praskovce, where he was first buried Rayevski: hero body lying in port, southeast of the altar, a place where he was grave and is now marked by a stone on which the Orthodox cross with no names. In the village of legend circulating that the hero's heart was buried here, to forever remain in Serbia, when the body is transferred to Razumensku, near Kiev, in the family tomb of the Counts Rajevskih

Shot in four in the afternoon

For the same testimony about the battle can still be traced to the Turkish advance was apparently systematically and slowly but continuously, as a general Černjajev desperately throwing the battle captain and the newly formed Serb battery, and then as captain of a battalion of engineers Magdalenić boldly set out on a very vulnerable position-wife.

In that moment brought a piece of paper đeneral. He opened it, and seeing that Arabic was written, handed it to me to interpret him.

I look at the label. "The commander of the battery, message-nik Šamanović."

- Yes, Hani said, it is with the Upper Adrovca. Read, read, Doc!

"There humbly, that Colonel Rayevski this hour, when my battery died from gunshot grain enemy."

- Oh! - Černjajev said to hold on to his head and he went a little sideways.

The rest of the slips read:

"His sword, medals, watch, bag with money and pocket the minutes I took for safekeeping until further orders."

The message is received about 17 hours. In the later extensive report lieutenant Costa Šamanović described how Colonel Rayevski arrived at his batteries for about 14 hours, just when they were scattered in disarray Serbian troops withdrew from the Upper Suhote Adrovcu. He emphasized that Rayevski very skillfully stopped further withdrawals, thereby helping the Serbian people, officers and commanders-term. The starting point for his hand to assemble the unit, re-organize the defense, as well as to prepare a counterattack. While the drummers and trumpeters gave the sign for the attack, on his orders, he chose for his Šamanovićevu battery command post because it was on a set place, but quite close to the enemy's timetable. From there he commanded the assault of his troops.

"About 4 o'clock in the afternoon, hit by an enemy bullet-ski in the head and fell dead Rayevski without being able to utter a single word. It happened in my battery itself. I immediately ordered my men to carry the dead Rajevskog pose- dinu on zavijalište. Rayevski had in any of the adjutant. During the fight, and his horse was wounded ...", he wrote in his report to Lt. Costa Šamanović.

The body of Colonel Rajevskog moved from the Upper Adrovca ​​the Monastery of the Holy Roman Praskovce near the village. Originally, the place where he was buried in the courtyard of the monastery, southeast of the altar, proper place for a great hero and legendary figure. Although the rest for a few days, the original tomb was marked to this day the stone sandstone, with the Orthodox cross, but no name or whatever other labels. Mound is maintained for a full hundred and twenty years as a major shrines. Around her, the nuns always rasađuju seasonal flowers. They thus maintain a living folk legend. According to this legend is buried in the monastery courtyard hero's heart, so that would forever remain in Serbia, while the body is sent off to Russia.

Principality-SERBIAN Telegraph Authority 06/09/1876. Belgrade Serbian villages of the Imperial Prince Milan Beograd Thanks for your Majesty condolences to my brother who gave his life for your world stvar.Vratite us his body and assign our friend Captain Kizlokova to return them to Russia.

Colonel Michel Rayevski

Last respects to the port on the Sava

As soon as the prince of Milan chief General received a report about the death of Colonel Černjajeva Rajevskog, immediately sent a telegram of condolences to the family of a fallen hero. This we learn by return telegram Rajevskog Michael, who was sent from the Imperial Village 6 / 18. September 1876th years, to give thanks to Prince Milan to sympathy:

"Thank you your Highness for the expressions of condolences to my brother who gave his life for your holy cause. Come back to us his body and assign our friend Captain Kizlokova to transfer it to Russia. Rayevski Colonel Michel."

The tragic death of Colonel Rajevskog wrote all Russian newspapers, while his heroic death on the battlefield have reported a very detailed and all of our newspapers. Thus, the "East" in the number of weeks 5 / 17. September wrote to the body Rajevskog transferred from where it was originally buried in Belgrade and that was taken to the Cathedral. After the telegram, which she said condolences to Prince Milan, arrived in Belgrade Mrs. Anna, mother of Colonel Rayevski. After that, the "East" has brought an extensive report on funeral service in the Cathedral, during which the Serbian Metropolitan Mihailo činodejstvovao with seventeen priests.

Church of Sv. Trinity, in the region known as the "Colorful Church", built in Adrovcu, as the foundation of the Countess Rajevska consecrated on 2 September 1903. Lipe, the avenue leading to the church, say in the village, were adopted from Russia, from the property Rajevskih

"After Noon 5 / 12. Setembro about 5 hours, according to" East ", the body is transferred to the ship Rajevskog hero, down to the river Sava, and participated in the company of a military band, army Cossack legions, and so many people are settled, as never before, to pay last respects to Russian Rayevski hero who shed his blood for the fatherland and freedom of the Serbian ".

Colonel Nikolai Nikolayevich Rayevski, according to his family's request, was transferred to his homeland and buried next to their famous ancestors in the family tomb in the village Razumovska, in the Kiev region, Ukraine.

But in Serbia remained a legend. The place where the dead could never forget his comrades Serbs. So it was, immediately after the end of the war, marked by a cross of a modest sandstone rock on which are engraved the words:

"Russian Colonel Nikola Rayevski in the fight with the Turks perished in this place on August 20, 1876th year."

For decades, the mark was the only one who is reminded of the legendary hero.

Letters of Queen Natalija

When and how did it happen that, in addition to a modest monument on the place of death, to be built church dedicated to Colonel Rayevski? Who was the founder? What was the role of Queen Natalija in this enterprise, and why almost all the way to yesterday, did not know on whose land it is a field, built a memorial church in Upper Adrovcu?

All these questions have remained more or less open. Therefore, peace of mind, one can say that the newly-published "Letters of Queen Natalija Obrenovic" helped, as a historical source of the first order, to clear up some confusion. One of the most important relates to the when and who are negotiating the construction of the church. Given the contents of two letters to Serbian Queen from 1887. , it was clearly in sight to be just in time to start negotiations about raising the temple. Since that time, but was no longer in the life of Countess Anne, mother of Colonel Rajevskog, then that family interests were represented by his brother Michael.

These and other details is, clearly, and clearly, Queen Natalia in her letter of 21 August 1887th General Baden on the Sava Grujic:

"From all my heart I thank you so quickly fulfilled my desire to be referred to the place of murder of Colonel Rayevski and I will immediately inform his brother that I promise fulfilled.'ll Use once your kindness and ask you to send me a sketch which I will copy here and make photo enclosed places. I think it would be fair to compensate the farmers who now is the terrain on which he pays taxes so I ask in this regard issued an order ...

Photo: Panorame Srbije

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Copyright: Saša Stojanović
Art: Spherical
Resolution: 10648x5324
Taken: 25/08/2011
Hochgeladen: 26/08/2011
Published: 26/08/2011


Tags: anna karenina; ana karenjina; tolstoj; colonel; rajevski; russian; ruska; crkva; church; orhodox; pravoslavna; pravoslavlje; christianity; serbia; srbija; europe. vronsky; vronski; gornji adrovac; nikolai nikolaevich; nikolaj; nikolajević
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