”Sf. Ana” VI Romanian Orthodox Parish in Tîrgu Mureş was founded in 1988 as decided by Orthodox Archbishopric of Alba Iulia. As of 1st March 1989, Maier Emil is named priest in this parish by Bishop Emilian of Alba – Iulia. The parish does not own a church of its own, but the religious services are held in “The Annunciation” Cathedral in Tîrgu-Mureş. (read more)
Târgu Mureş [ˈtɨrɡu ˈmureʃ] (ältere Schreibweise Tîrgu Mureş, dt. Neumarkt am Mieresch, ung. Marosvásárhely [ˈmɒroʃvaːʃaːrhɛj]) ist eine Stadt in Siebenbürgen, Rumänien. Sie ist Hauptstadt des Kreises Mureş und hat etwa 146.000 Einwohner (Stand 2007).