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Ilot Saint Michel

Depuis le Moyen Age, le rocher Saint-Michel a vu se succéder plusieurs édifices, lieux de festivité et de dévotion. Si l'on en croit la légende, de nombreux bateaux auraient sombré dans les parages de l'îlot, qui aurait servi de lieu de sépultures. Le rescapé d'un naufrage aurait fait voeu de piété et aurait commandé la construction d'un oratoire. D'après les recherches de l'historien J.P. Le Gal la Salle, la chapelle Saint-Michel de "La Roche au Nay" aurait été fondée à une date inconnue par les moines cisterciens de l'abbaye de Saint-Aubin des Bois (Plédéliac), qui possédaient sur la garenne d'Erquy, l'établissement et le fief de la Moinerie. Au cours du 13ème siècle, l'abbaye était devenue le plus grand propriétaire foncier et féodal d'Erquy, après le comte de Penthièvre. Les moines utilisaient à cette époque les pêcheries autour de l'îlot.

L'îlot Saint-Michel porte une chapelle dédiée à l'archange saint Michel. Jadis, l'îlot était rattaché au littoral. Dans ce temps là, le diable voyageait sur la terre et saint Michel voulait l'en empêcher. Le diable résolut d'enlever le saint et, à la tête de tous ses démons, il se mit à sa poursuite. L'archange se dririgea du côté de la mer et, arrivé sur le bout de la pointe qui forme aujourd'hui l'îlot, il regarda en arrière et frappa le sol du pied. Au même instant s'ouvrit une tranchée par laquelle la mer entra. Le diable et ses diablotins trop engagés sur la pointe furent entraînés dans les flots. Depuis cette époque, le diable ne vient plus sur la terre ; en souvenir de ce miracle on éleva plus tard à saint Michel une chapelle sur l'îlot, et, quand elle fut bâtie, les rochers devinrent rouges ainsi que la pointe qui est en face. D'après un autre récit, les rochers prirent cette couleur lorsque saint Michel posa le pied dessus...


Since the Middle Ages, the Rock St. Michael has seen a succession of several buildings, places of celebration and devotion. If you believe the legend, many boats have sunk in the vicinity of the island, which would be used for burials. The survivor of a shipwreck have taken a vow of piety and had ordered the construction of a chapel. According to research by historian JP Le Gal La Salle, the chapel of Saint-Michel "La Roche Nay" was based on an unknown date by the monks of the Cistercian abbey of Saint-Aubin des Bois (Plédéliac ), which had the warren Erquy, settlement and stronghold of the Moinerie. During the 13th century, the abbey had become the largest landowner and feudal Erquy after Count Penthievre. The monks used at that time the fisheries around the island. The island Saint-Michel has a chapel dedicated to St. Michael the Archangel. Formerly the island was connected to the coast. In that time, the devil was traveling on land and St. Michael wanted to stop him. The devil decided to remove the saint and, at the head of all his demons, he began his pursuit. The archangel dririgea towards the sea and reached the apex, which now forms the island, he looked back and struck the ground up. At the same time opened a trench in which the sea entered. The devil and his imps too committed on the tip were driven into the sea. Since that time, the devil is on earth, in memory of this miracle was raised later to St. Michel chapel on the island, and when it was built, the rocks became red and the tip is in face. According to another story, took the rocks that color when St. Michael set foot on it ...

Copyright: Zaellig
Type: Spherical
Resolution: 6000x3000
Taken: 09/11/2009
Uploaded: 30/11/2009
Published: 30/11/2009


Tags: nature; sea; isle; saint michel isle; erquy; bretagne; france; peninsula
More About France

France is affectionately referred to as "the Hexagon" for its overall shape.French history goes back to the Gauls, a Celtic tribe which inhabited the area circa 300BC until being conquered by Julius Caesar.The Franks were the first tribe to adopt Catholic Christianity after the Roman Empire collapsed. France became an independent location in the Treaty of Verdun in (843 AD), which divided up Charlemagne's Carolingian Empire into several portions.The French monarchy reached its zenith during the reign of Louis XIV, the Sun King, who stood for seventy-two years as the Monarch of all Monarchs. His palace of Versailles and its Hall of Mirrors are a splendid treasure-trove of Baroque art.The French Revolution ended the rule of the monarchy with the motto "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity!" On July 14th, 1789 angry mobs stormed La Bastille prison and began the Revolution in which Louis XVI, his wife Marie-Antoinette and thousands of others met the guillotine.One decade after the revolution, Napolean Bonaparte seized control of the Republic and named himself Emperor. His armies conquered most of Europe and his Napoleonic Code became a lasting legal foundation for concepts of personal status and property.During the period of colonization France controlled the largest empire in the world, second only to Britain.France is one of the founding members of the European Union and the United Nations, as well as one of the nuclear armed nations of the world.Text by Steve Smith.

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